September News

September News

Leicester Balance Course

Professor Rea was delighted to run the Leicester Balance Course once more in mid-September. He has overseen this 3 day course for 20 years. He brings together experts in balance and dizziness from around the world and teaches the details of assessing and managing those with balance disorders and dizziness. The course remains hugely popular with doctors, audiologists, and physiotherapists and was again oversubscribed, with many colleagues having to wait until next year to attend.

Barany Conference, Uppsala

Professor Rea has had a very successful trip to Uppsala, Sweden, to attend the Barany Conference in September. This is the leading medical conference on balance disorders in the world. He was on one of the major panels of the conference, describing how to run a successful balance clinic for the benefit of our patients. He has brought back some every interesting new research findings and very much enjoyed the international collaborations that result from such meetings.

CAVA Project

Professor Rea continues to recruit for the CAVA project through Autumn 2024 - a major research initiative developing a head worn balance diagnostic device. Recruitment has been extended into next year. If you have pure Meniere’s Disease, vestibular migraine, or BPPV, Prof may describe the study to you to see if you are interested in taking part.

Vestibular Migraine Study

Professor Rea is also launching a new collaborative study with the University of Leicester exploring aspects of vestibular migraine, in September. All very exciting and more information will follow!

Meniere`s Disease Paper

Professor Rea is pleased to have published further papers, in collaboration with colleagues, on Meniere’s disease. A huge thank you to all his patients who so kindly provided details of their medical journey through Meniere’s. The new findings continue to flow. For example 1 in 5 Meniere’s patients may expect to develop the disease in their other ear. And psoriasis appears to be a risk factor for developing second sided disease. This may be due to an auto-immune factor.

Cholesteatoma Surgery

Operating on our more senior patients with cholesteatoma (skin that invades the ear) can be a challenging clinical decision. In August Professor Rea has submitted for publication the findings of work he has undertaken with colleagues exploring the outcomes for our older patients having this surgery. The findings are encouraging.

Life on the Level

Professor Rea will be speaking to Life on The Level on October 12th. The title is “Thinking Outside the Box - Dizziness beyond the ear.” Do please join him on line. Joining the talk is free. Please just Google the wonderful patient support group “Life on the Level” for details.

Professor Rea continues work as President of the Section of Otology (ear surgery) of The Royal Society of Medicine

Professor Rea continues his national work as President of the Section of Otology (ear surgery) of The Royal Society of Medicine. This is one of the most prestigious positions an ear surgeon can achieve in the UK, and requires election by other senior ear surgeons. It has been a great honour for him to take on this position. The Presidency has taken him all over the UK lecturing and meeting inspiring colleagues. He will hand over to his successor in November.

China and Vietnam Trip

Professor Rea has been invited to speak in China and Vietnam in the New Year. It is an exciting trip and he is very much hoping to travel. But as an expert medical witness he may be in Court assisting in a complex case as the dates are clashing. Watch this space! He promises some travel pictures of these beautiful countries if he is able to make the journey.


September News

Find out the latest news from London Road Clinic30 September 2024

September News
BBC Pick of the Week

Professor Rea appears on a radio show selected for BBC Pick of the Week24 July 2023

BBC Pick of the Week
Prof. Rea Appears on BBC World Service Radio

Listen to Professor Rea explaining what causes dizziness on BBC Radio08 July 2023

Prof. Rea Appears on BBC World Service Radio
Summer News

Summer News from the London Road Clinic23 June 2023

Summer News