Mr. Anil Banerjee
Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery
Adult and Childhood Ear Disease
Balance Problems
Sinusitis and Nasal Disease
Anil Banerjee qualified in 1987 from Newcastle-upon-Tyne University. His ENT training was mainly in the East Midlands and Australia. His advanced training included the world renowned ENT Fellowship at The Royal Brisbane Infirmary. His current practice focuses on diseases of the ear, nose and on snoring and he runs specialist and general ENT clinics for both adults and children.
He regularly teaches on management of balance disorders as part of national and international faculties. He was a cofounder of the first Balance Course at the Royal College of Surgeons and has taught on the course each year since then. He is also asked to lecture on balance disorders to ENT Consultants, GPs, Audiologists and Physiotherapists around the UK. He runs balance clinics both within the NHS and privately. At the London Road Clinic he has a comprehensive balance suite with highly experienced staff.
He is an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and has taught techniques of rhinoplasty for over eleven years. He is a member of the ENT UK Facial Plastics Group and The European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.
As well as editing a national ENT journal and publishing over 70 research and clinical papers, Mr Banerjee has appeared in various magazines including ‘Chris Steele at Home’. He has advised the BBC regarding the clinical management of patients. He has also been an advisor to the Royal College of Surgeons, The Department of Health and Spire Hospitals on various ENT conditions including balance.